
Supported Accommodation

Holistic Recovery is a NDIS registered provider and leading provider of supports for people with psychosocial disabilities in the New England Region.

We specialise in supporting you on your recovery journey from mental illness, with our innovative Accommodation Support solution.

Supported Independent Living

Supported Independent Living (SIL) is when people with mental illnesses and disabilities receive support, usually 24/7, to help each person live as independently as possible. This can sometimes be a group of people sharing a home together, or one person receiving support in their own home.

Many people with mental illness or disabilities are unable to live on their own or with their family, and therefore group or shared accommodation allows people to receive day-to-day support whilst living in a suitable home.

It’s important for everyone in the household to get along, so like-minded housemates can be matched based on compatibility and shared hobbies and interests.

What support is available in a SIL home?

Support is usually available 24/7 and can include:

  • Managing your mental health
  • Help to manage money and household budgeting
  • Assistance with cooking
  • Assistance with cleaning and laundry
  • Help to catch public transport to visit friends and family
  • Personal care such as showering and dressing
  • Support with grocery shopping
  • Assistance with daily skills training
  • Promote participation in household and community activities

What levels of support does SIL provide?

Everyone with mental illness and disabilities is unique and has therefore has different support requirements. The NDIS has outlined three levels of support that SIL is funded under:

  • Lower needs – not usually 24/7. Includes supervision of living arrangements.
  • Standard needs – 24/7 support. Includes assistance and supervision of most daily tasks, and Support Worker overnight sleepovers.
  • Higher needs – 24/7 active support, including overnight. Includes frequent with managing challenging behaviours that require positive behaviour support, assistance with daily tasks.

What are the benefits of SIL?

The NDIS is all about having more choice and control in your life. If living independently is one of your goals then SIL has clear benefits for you.

Sharing a home can mean that you are sharing the cost of rent, and therefore have more funds to put towards other things you want.

It’s also possible that you can share supports, so for example in a home shared by three people, a Support Worker staying overnight would have this cost split between three people rather than paying for this solely out of your own package.

Find out more about accessing the Supported Independent Living Vacancies

Mental Health Specialised SIL (LillyPilly House)

LillyPilly House is more than just a house, it is your home.

A home where people have the opportunity to increase their quality of life through the nurturing and homely environment provided by our team.

A place where people find a sense of belonging and thrive to be their best.

LillyPilly House is staffed 24 hours per day, seven (7) days per week by our specialised mental health team.

Applicants must be over 18 years of age; have either a Supported Independent Living (SIL) funding currently in their NDIS Plan or are seeking this funding in their Plan.

From the moment you engage with our team, we want you to create, enjoy and experience your own personalised recovery journey. A journey where you are supported by our Team to determine the goals and skills you want to work towards, the steps you want to achieve to increase your independence and quality of life.

What is special about LillyPilly House:

  • To live the life you want to live
  • To achieve your goals every day
  • To be supported by people who care
  • To receive the support to be independent and to learn new skills
  • To make the most out of life
  • To know that you are at the centre of everything we do
  • To feel empowered and included
  • To make decisions about the life you want to live

LillyPilly House

Please contact our team on 02 4009 4074 for additional information or to refer click here. We will be happy to assist you.